
February in Arizona and it’s snowing outside! Raquel took Declin out to the snow yesterday, and Jason went out early before school and they caught a good little flurry of snow fall and snow around the area up here in Cave Creek, Arizona. Looks like they had fun.

These are dark but still pretty funny.  More to follow….  Thank you everyone for coming, those who donated money or /and auction items. We had a lot of fun!!!!
 I hope those of you who can will join us this Saturday at 7am for the MS Walk through the Phoenix Zoo.  It is fun to walk together.

Jason’s video at Halloween party

Marty’s video at Halloween Party

— Blog Post brought to you by Tammy Flosi

  Jason preschool 013Jason was getting excited and letting us take pictures of him getting ready to leave for his first day of going to school… 1 step closer to being a big boy and growing up!

  Jason preschool 029 Right before he said bye to mommy like a big kid at school getting ready to walk to the playground with his new teacher Mrs Kathy.